Issue #07

Initially, this book was a reading material for a university class, but it wasn’t like any other textbooks. It was a coffee table-esque book with interesting copy and graphics. I loved this book for the bold illustrations and for the message it sends. The main message for this book is to “ACT NOW” because we are always procrastinating or waiting for the perfect time to do something (or at least, I am) and here’s the thing, there is never a good time. 

Issue #05

Visiting the Asian Civilisation Museum was eye-opening and I felt like I had gained a new perspective after visiting the museum. I believe that most of the history I know was written in a Western perspective. The exhibitions featured different artefacts that showed how the cultures overlapped in Asia. Being a big fan of history, the trip was extremely insightful and inspiring. The jars on the left are a mix of Asian and European components and was produced during the 18th century.